The CRO Software team
Reports Enhancement

Improved Dispatch Reports

AUTHOR: The CRO Software team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Reports Enhancement

Our new and improved reports feature a modern design and a more powerful way to search and filter report data.

These enhancements include:

  • Modern, functional design for focusing on table searching and filtering.

  • Consistent, visible sorting on all columns.

  • Page scrolling with progressive loading that replaces pagination.

  • Enhanced filtering and editing capability.

  • Improvement in data visibility for asset numbers and cluster quantities.

  • Updated print layout design.

  • Interactive, highlighted data content that allows drilling down to details for more context and editing.

Please be aware that not all the reports have been converted to the improved format. You can always access the Legacy Reports at the bottom of the screen, but please give the Improved Reports a try and let us know what you think.

If you have any feedback or questions, you can leave them on the Product Page Announcement or contact CRO Support.

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